Reset Zorin OS

Since January 2024, we have been pre-installing the repair system before we dispatch our devices. The system listed below should therefore be available if you received your device after January 2024.

If you have received your device before this date or are not using our wLw laptop, you will find a link to our Linkto download the repair system afterwards. Once this has been downloaded, you can copy it to a USB stick and then start it from the USB stick.


This video is equipped with subtitles. You can switch them on or off using the "cc" button and also translate them into other languages.


1. Restart laptop

Shut down your laptop completely and restart it. Make sure that it is not simply in sleep mode, but switched off completely.

Press the corresponding key to access the boot menu. The key varies depending on the system (e.g. F9 on HP). In many cases, you can access the options by repeatedly pressing ESC when switching on.

If you can't find the way to the boot menu, have a quick look around on the Internet. You can usually find the right button by entering your laptop model and "boot menu". For example, "HP Elitebook 840 G3 boot menu".

2. call up the boot menu

Use the arrow keys or the touchpad to navigate to the "Boot from file" entry in the boot menu and confirm with "Enter".

The corresponding menu may also have a slightly different name - again depending on the laptop model.

3. file selection in the boot menu

Select the file with the larger number in brackets (usually this is further down in the list) and confirm with "Enter". Then select the following (confirm each time with "Enter"):

  1. EFI
  2. ubuntu
  3. grubx64
  4. Repair

The repair mode should now start. This may take a few seconds.

4. call up repair options

In repair mode, press the Windows key and enter "Repair". Select the programme with the wLw logo.

Options in repair mode

"Reinstall Zorin with data retention"Select this option if you have already saved data on the laptop that you do not want to lose.

Select this option if you simply want to reinstall the Zorin installation and keep your data.

"Reinstall Zorin without preserving data"Select this option if you do not have any important data on the laptop.

Select this option if you are not dependent on your data. The operating system will be completely reinstalled.

"Wipe entire SSD and reinstall"Select this option if you want to pass the laptop on to another person. All data will be completely deleted.

Choose this option if you want to give your laptop to someone else. The data deletion is irrevocable.


During the entire process, your laptop requires a stable internet connection, which must be guaranteed via a LAN cable. A WLAN connection is not possible during the reset.

Questions or problems?

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📞 +41 56 521 30 49

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