Blogs from 2023

Blogs from 2023

07.11.2023 - Entry into the world of work

Amy, Silas and Fabio have been completing their one-year WMS internship at the "Wir lernen weiter" organisation for three months. Between commercial and marketing-related...

20.10.2023 - Bittersweet Summer

The club has not always communicated much about the summer months. This is also due to the fact that the weeks around...

17.05.2023 - We train further

In the summer of 2022, the first WMS trainee from WMS Aarau was welcomed to wLw. The unassuming Matthew Clements took up work from this...

27.04.2023 - Transparency

The Wir lernen weiter association was 90% self-financing in 2022. This was achieved by means of contributions to expenses, which...

16.02.2023 - Departure into new times

New partners, new approach, new association year: In the third year of its activities, the association moves into a second location, grows in personnel and...

18.01.2023 - Who is poor who is not?

An average of over 50 laptops per week, and up to 200 in the summer months, are shipped from Merenschwand to...

06.01.2023 - Make or break

Last year, the association was able to pass on around 3,200 laptops to people affected by poverty in Switzerland. In the meantime, within a few...

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