These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply to all services offered by "Wir lernen weiter" (hereinafter referred to as wLw). By using the services of wLw you accept the following terms and conditions unchanged and in full.
wLw operates an online platform with a non-profit approach to help needy families and individuals who, due to financial hardship, are unable to access the appropriate IT resources themselves in order to connect with the digital world.
General provisions
Wir lernen weiter exclusively offers laptops to families and individuals who cannot afford such devices for monetary reasons.
Warranty services
The devices that are brokered via wLw are conditional donations in accordance with OR Art. 239. wLw consequently accepts no liability for damage to devices. Nor does wLw accept any liability for damage that occurs before a device is handed over to wLw or even after a device has been handed over to a donation recipient. This also includes all follow-up actions that can be carried out with the donated equipment.
Contents on donated devices
For devices donated to wLw, no claims for damages can be made for loss of data or damage to the actual hardware. Donors themselves are obliged to back up and remove the necessary data before handing over the device. wLw recommends resetting Windows to the factory settings.
Since this cannot guarantee conclusive security, wLw resets donated devices in any case so that data tracing should no longer be possible. For this purpose, all hard drives received are completely overwritten with a high security standard and thus their contents are made unrecognisable.
Donated equipment can either be handed in directly to us or sent by post. For larger deliveries (> 100 units), we are also happy to come by.
After the donation has been completed (delivery of a device to wLw ), there is no right to revoke the donation. As soon as a device reaches a donation recipient, the device becomes his/her property. The devices may not be resold.
Data protection
The data that is processed on the part of wLw is only required for handling processes and is not passed on to third parties. An exception to this is image material provided to wLw by the donors. These can be used by wLw for marketing purposes (e.g. posts on social media). With the transmission of image material to wLw, the other party agrees to this use.
No profiling takes place on the platform. Service users of wLw have the option of having all personal data on the platform deleted. This can be requested by email.
More information on data protection is here to find.
Applicable law and place of jurisdiction
In the event of a case, Swiss law shall apply. The place of jurisdiction shall be in Muri AG.
Website operator: Wir lernen weiter,
+41 56 521 30 29
If you have any questions about these GTCs, please contact the wLw team!